Integrated Medical Body of Acupuncture in Mathura
Intergrated Medical Body of Acupuncture has been set up on the rock solid foundation of "shraddha, gyan and karma". Every initiative, every effort in our institution focuses single-mindedly on these three values. So while the mind goes through the process of learning, it will automatically, continually and effortlessly imbibe them and give the individual, a well-rounded, responsible and dynamic personality.
The mission of Intergrated Medical Body of Acupuncture is to provide quality instructional programs to all age students with different special needs. We combine traditional education methods with adaptations and modifications to provide stimulating programs for students. Our focus is to develop students’ academic, vocational, communication and social skills to the fullest extent possible to enable them to enjoy improved life outcomes as productive members of society.
To accomplish the mission, each student is the focal point of an interdisciplinary team that meets to assess the student’s present level of functioning and design appropriate programmatic goals and instructional objectives. Planning conferences with parents are held and promote our belief that parents are our partners in education and the strongest advocates for their children.
Medical Education in India is also given an important consideration from an international
point of view. The Medical Council of India (MCI) controls medical Education in
India.All States and all Universities or Colleges that give medical education is
monitored and timely inspected by the Medical Council of India every year.
Medical Colleges in India are comparable with the best in the world. Not only medical
colleges, medical care provided by top Indian hospitals too is world-class. A testimony
of this fact is the trend of growing medical tourism in India. Doctors are earning
very handsome salaries in top Indian hospitals and they are in great demand. In
a nutshell, a person pursuing medical education in India has very bright future.